Winters are pleasant, time to go on short trips and enjoy the beautiful scenic places. During the holidays, we keep ourselves so busy in planning, finalizing the place, shopping and buying stuff for the trip and finishing up the important tasks. In this busy schedule we miss prioritizing our healthy habits. But this year its going to be different. We all will be enjoying this season by staying back at home.
The chilly and unpleasant weather can make it difficult to get out of the cozy comfort zone. It is easier to catch regular flu and cold in this season, but have to be more careful this time. Also we are not getting exposed to sunlight which is very important for our health.
The time spent indoors means snacking on and adding on the extra calories. These all factors cause risk to overall health and invite unwanted troubles.
It’s very important to maintain a thermostatic temperature of our body by keeping ourselves covered with warm woolen clothes and including foods to keep warm from within in our daily diet.
There are certain foods, spices and drinks which can be included in the diet to increase immunity and generate heat in the body naturally. These foods can help in coping with low temperatures and fighting against infections, like a common cold, flu.
1. Energise Yourself With Dried Fruits And Nuts
Many dry fruits are beneficial for health and help in keeping oneself warm. They are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, protein and fibers. Dry fruits like Almonds, Walnuts, Pistachios are perfect and healthy to have. Consuming Figs (anjeer) and Dates (khajoor) in a daily routine can help in staying warm during winters, as they are rich in calcium and iron. Those who are working and have busy schedules can always carry a handful of nuts for snacking rather than having processed and packaged food.
2. Eat More Fibre
Foods containing high levels of soluble fiber include dried beans, oats, barley, citrus fruits, apples, strawberries, peas, and potatoes. Foods high in insoluble fiber include wheat bran, whole grains, cereals, seeds, and the skins of many fruits and vegetables. Diet rich in fibers are beneficial for old age people to protect their digestive systems.
Indian Gooseberries also called as Amla, is a citrus fruit high in Vitamin-C and dietary fiber. They are extremely beneficial for increasing immunity and the digestive system.
3. Add Rainbow And Spice In Your Diet
Green Leafy Vegetables like Spinach, Kale, bright coloured vegetables like bell peppers, carrots, and radish are all available in plenty during winters and are very beneficial to health. These foods should be consumed on daily basis to improve overall health.
Root vegetables like potatoes, onions and garlic are digested slower in the body, which generates more heat. Include more of these vegetables in diet to stay warm.
Spices like cloves, black pepper, cinnamon, ginger, star anise, etc. can be added to curries, teas, coffees, in special rice preparations for extra flavour and to increase immunity.
Turmeric is one of the Indian spices and commonly used in all foods. It has anti-bacterial, anit-fungal and anti-viral properties which all together act as medicine and helps in combating a number of infections. Its main active ingredient is called curcumin, which gives curry its yellow color. Haldi Doodh is the most preferred evening beverage to keep away the common cold and flu.
4. Essential Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Omega 3 fatty acids are a healthy type of fat that is naturally found in many food types including fish, plant seeds and nuts. They help in reducing joint pain and stiffness due to their anti-inflammatory properties.
Ghee is rich in unsaturated fats which is essential in winters for keeping the body warm naturally and also it helps in the absorption of Vitamin A, D, E, and K.
5. Jaggery Or Gur
Jaggery or commonly known as Gur is the easily available product and plays a vital role in boosting our immunity. It is rich in zinc, iron and selenium. Many people add jaggery as an ingredient in the preparation of desserts or puddings. It helps in improving digestion also.
6. Sesame Seeds Or Til
Sesame seeds or Til are known to be very helpful in maintaining good temperature during winters and they are used as sprinkles and toppings on sweets. Delicious laddus are made of sesame seeds which are favorites of many people including kids. Sesame seeds have anti-aging properties, help in boosting energy and digestion too.
Winter is a beautiful season with the mood of celebration of Christmas and New Year around the corner. People love to laze around and get cozy in comfortable warm blankets. They are less motivated to work and are more in a mood to have fun. Some people experience stiffness in bones and find it difficult to get out of their homes for their work. It is just a way of thinking, but slight modifications in diet and daily routine will definitely help in keeping the body warm and energetic. Introducing these beneficial foods will increase immunity and improve overall health. Performing light exercises at home will help in the upliftment of mood and will motivate the person to perform various tasks.
So enjoy the winter vacations and get ready to rock the New Year celebrations amidst the pandemic situation following the safety rules. Don’t forget to take extra precautions by maintaining the rules laid down by the government.