
Navratri Festival

Time To Rejoice, Time To Celebrate

Navratri festival has begun and people all around are in full swing to celebrate. This festival is celebrated in all parts of India and religiously followed . You can see all vibrant colours, happy and smiling faces. Many of them observe a nine day fast to seek the blessings of Goddess Durga and in this way it helps in the detoxification of the body. At this time lots of delicacies are prepared at home and it becomes difficult to keep control of one’s desires of avoiding sweets.

So there are a few tips that should be followed during fasting to keep oneself fit and fine.

For people having diabetes there is a need to consult their physician and get consent for fasting.

Limited fasting is allowed and it’s good for the digestive system to rest and detoxify, but if there are major differences in sugar readings then the person has to immediately contact the doctor for medical assistance.

Just Have To Follow Some Simple Things During Fasting.

1) Keep yourself hydrated with water all the time during fasting. Also low-calorie drinks like lassi, nimbu pani, green tea, mint water and cardamom tea can be taken at intervals to avoid the rise of blood sugar levels.

2) Have frequent meals and stay away from sugary products.

3) Try to have dishes made at home and avoid going out, unless its very urgent and required.

4) Cereals like amaranth atta roti , kuttu atta roti , singhahre atta dosa, samak chawal with curd can be taken in moderate quantities.

5) Protein sources can be taken in the form of diary products like dahi, paneer, buttermilk and milk.

6) Fruits are the most delicious , healthy food and sources of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. They can be taken at intervals as they contain natural sweetness which acts as energy boosters.

7) Avoid fried and oily foods which can be quite harmful, as they contain fats that are not beneficial for a diabetic patient.

All said and done, if a diabetic person wishes to fast on these auspicious days, it is advisable to take care of their blood sugar levels, their insulin dosages, if any.

It is better to avoid indulging in festive food as well as fasting but if the person really wishes, they can do so by following these simple tips. Some food should be taken in short intervals to avoid any complications.

After the fast is broken, there is greater chance of over eating. To avoid such a condition from arising it’s always advisable to keep a watch the type of food consumed. As high calorie food would give rise to increased blood sugar level, always include small quantities of sugary and fatty foods, usage of less oil, frying food using a non stick pan. This would help in maintaining blood sugar levels without affecting health.

Enjoy festivals with extra care and awareness of health, with proper precautions, without being under stress.

Lifeblyss Whishes You All A Happy Navratri !


Stay Healthy, Stay Safe And Keep Smiling!

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