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Family, Strong Pillar System

Family, The near and dear ones living together under one roof, working as a team towards the happiness and prosperity of all their members.

They play a very significant role in all kinds of situations, in the ups and downs of life. They are the first people to be reached in case of emergencies. They provide effective psychological and emotional support to each other in the family at the time of distress, illness and all difficult situations.

In case of hospitalization the support of the family is important as the medical and nursing staff need their support and appropriate information in taking care and treatment for their patient.

Family members play various kinds of roles in life and these individuals interact with each other. The individuals live together with different aims and objectives, feelings but share equal responsibility.

The contribution and the responsibility of the family members during critical conditions are noticeable and very prominent. There are many ways in which the family members stand by the patient / their relatives and their contribution is remarkable.

1. Taking Care In Illness

Family members play a very important role in the recovery of any member of the family suffering from any kind of illness, be it the common cold or any chronic illness. They are called the first and foremost line of support system helping the patient in both ways, physically as well as mentally.

It is important for the family members to have a very clear knowledge of any kind of ailment the person is suffering from and has to be involved.

The family members should be made aware of the treatment part and the investigations going on for the patient.

It makes a lot of difference and helps the concerned treating doctor to work together as a team for the fast recovery of the patient.

2. Counseling And Understanding The Dosage

The crucial role of the family members in the treatment of a diabetic patient is during counseling and understanding the dosage of medicines. If the patient is accompanied by any close relative or family member during the course of his diagnosis and treatment part, it can help him with a lot of things in his recovery.

For a psychiatric patient, it is even more necessary and important for the family member to be closely associated with the patient as it gives moral support and motivates the patient.

With the help of the family member, there is a lot of scope for improvement in the physical as well as mental health of the psychiatric patient.

The exact opposite effects can be visualized if in case the patient is not supported with any kind of moral support from any of his family members. In such cases, the treatment gets delayed and takes a longer time than estimated.

So the involvement of the family member is very important.

In case of patients suffering from long term illnesses like Tuberculosis, Cancer, it is the positive strong support of the family members which helps the patient emerge out successfully as a more confident and energetic human being.

Recovery Phase

For the elderly patients and the paralyzed patients where the utmost care has to be taken after they get discharged from the hospital, the responsibility lies on the shoulders of the family members to encourage them for their speedy recovery. These kinds of patients need regular physiotherapy, oxygen therapy and tube feeding for quite a longer time where the family members have to support their beloved ones. It has been observed that the patients who are backed up with such a strong supportive family recover confidently and lead a happy, normal life.

The family members face all the challenges and head on for the fast recovery of their member.

“In a time of test, family is best.” –Burmese Proverb

During hospitalization in ICU, if he undergoes any major surgery, this situation demands patience and financial management from the family members. The presence of family constitutes an important source of psychological support for the patient, as well as a source of inspiration for better recovery.

4. Courage And Determination Of The Family Members

It takes a lot of courage and determination for the family members to run from post to pillar to attend and fulfill all the demands of this situation. The effortless and tireless job / duty done by family members is commendable.

The determination with which the family members stand for their patients helps them to fight against their illness and come out as more confident people than earlier. Their attitude towards life completely changes and they live more happily and peacefully than before.

Family members play important roles in the care of patients including contribution to decision-making, assisting the health-care team in providing care, improving patient safety and quality of care, assisting in home care, and addressing expectations of the patient’s family and society at large.

The efforts taken by the members are to be noted and praised. Their work is to be recognized and has to be considered by each one of us in society.

We, At LIFEBLYSS, Salute To All Family Members For Their Daunting And Unimaginable Efforts.

Stay Healthy, Stay Safe And Keep Smiling!

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